Tuesday, June 14, 2011

3 Months Old!

You turned 3 months old last week.  In the past month a lot of things have happened.  The most exciting for me is that you have started sleeping through the night. It started out with a 9 hour stretch one night, and then continued each night after that.  You still fight going to sleep, but once you fall asleep you are usually out until morning which makes the time that we spend getting you to go to sleep seem more worthwhile.  The real test came this past weekend when we went to MI and you continued your long sleep stretches in a few different beds (pack n play, peapod tent).  You did really well, even though one night we had you completely off your normal routine, and you did not fall asleep until midnight!  You slept until 11am the next day!
You experienced swimming for the first time this month.  You didn't seem  to have an opinion one way or the other on that, but we had fun swishing you around the pool. You experienced your first EL ride. Again, not much of a reaction from you other than annoyance toward the loud noises.  We have started Elimination Communication in hopes that I can have you out of diapers well before the average age of 3 years old.  You enjoy laying around with only a prefold on, and get really excited now when I use the sign for "potty".  You are also learning the signs for "mommy" and "daddy".  You are starting to respond to "mommy" with a smile, so I think you are starting to get it.
You are still a very happy baby.  People comment constantly on how "good" you are, and how relaxed you seem.  You really do not fuss unless you are hungry or need a new diaper.  I am glad to see that your temperament has stayed the same even as you have become more aware of your surroundings and are more easily distracted.

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