Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Solid Foods...

So, no offense, but feeding you solids is kind of like a form of torture.  This is the first time that I have really seen your stubborn side come out.  I knew you would have some stubbornness in you since you came from two long lines of very stubborn people, but this is the first real proof that we have had.  You only want to nurse, and anyone who tries to get you to do otherwise is gonna pay.  You will take a couple of bites of whatever we are feeding you, smile, and act like you want more, tricking us into believing that "this time will be better", but then, sure enough, you turn your head, close up your mouth, and cry.  The crying is the worst part.  You sit there and hold our your dirty little hands asking to be picked up and nursed.  That is all you really want. You also make such a mess, I can't imagine how we will ever be anywhere other than home at meal time.  The reason you are now on a fast track to solid foods is that we saw the doctor on Friday and she says that your weight gain is still a little too low.  We would have been starting this process in about a week anyways, so we just got a bit of a head start.  I know it will get easier as you get more used to these different foods.  You have already tried cereal, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, and green beans.  You seem to like them all except for the cereal.  Can't say I blame you for that, it looks pretty nasty.  You just have to realize that there is a whole world of delicious food out there that is not milk.

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