Monday, April 11, 2011

Visits to Nana and Papa's house

Your dad has gone on two business trips in the past two weeks.  Your Nana and Papa were happy about this because it meant that we would come and stay at their house while he was gone.  They were very helpful to me while we were there, and loved getting to spend a long stretch of quality time with you.  They helped me to get through your first really fussy day.  You seemed to have an upset stomach and were refusing to sleep and just kept crying.  This is totally uncharacteristic of you so we all knew something was wrong.  They knew about this stuff called Gripe Water which Papa went out to buy.  We gave you some and it seemed to help a lot.  You ended up sleeping well and feeling much better the next day.  I was glad not to be at home alone while this was happening! 
You got to meet a lot of new people while we were there.  The visitor that came the farthest to see you was your dad's Aunt Sharon.  She came from Wisconsin just to meet you, and you had a great time snuggling with her while she was here.  You slept in a crib for the first time at their house, and did great.  You are quite the wiggle worm though, and would end up facing a different direction than the one you started in by morning.
Here are some pictures from our visits:

Some pictures of you at 3 weeks old

Your cousin Sydney and Aunt Cheryl
 Cousins Sophia and Raquel

Hanging out with Nana

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