Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Levi is on the Move!

Watch out world!  Levi is going places!  On Sunday we discovered that you can walk if we hold your hands.  You do a really good job, and yesterday walked all the way across our family room!  Then when Nana was here yesterday morning she said, " when did Levi start walking?" and I said, "I have no idea".  I had never seen you crawl before, and if I hadn't seen it, I can guarantee you no one else had.  So apparently you decided to employ all methods of movement at the same time. Neither one is perfected (your crawl is totally army style), but you are very capable of getting from one place to the next, and of doing so quite quickly!

7 Months Old

I am a little late at writing this post as you are now closer to 8 months than 7.  Oh well.  You have grown and changed a ton in the past month.  You are super curious about everything around you, and unfortunately your favorite way to learn about things is still by putting them in your mouth.  You rarely get bored because you can usually find something new in your surroundings to study, and try to eat.  You do not have any teeth yet, but are still drooling a ton.  Your dad got his first tooth pretty late, and you seem to be following in his footsteps.
You are content to play on your own for a while now, which is nice for both of us.  I like being able to put you in your playpen with some safe toys and get a few things done without having to worry too much about what you are getting into.  It seems that you like having your own quiet time as well, so maybe you will be an introvert after all!   You are eating a wider variety of foods, and have started adding rice and chicken into the mix.  You are really good at chewing finger foods up with your gums already!