You turned 5 months old yesterday. Time is literally flying by. You are able to do so many new things, and it is obvious that you really want to be able to move on your own. When you lay on the floor you try and try to push yourself up on to your knees. You have done it a few times, and it has only lasted a second. I know you will be crawling soon, so I guess I better start babyproofing. You also can sit on your own for a few seconds, but you much prefer it when someone helps you to stand. When you are in your jumper and I clap or play music you stomp your feet and look like you are trying to dance around. You have become much more vocal this month and will talk and talk. My favorite story about this is when we were heading over to Papa's house to have dinner with him and you talked to your blanket animal the entire way. It is about a 40 minute drive. I was laughing so hard in the front seat. I love seeing you begin to interact with the world around you. You are so curious and never want to miss anything. You really seem to love dogs, and flies. The dogs I understand, but the flies are kinda weird :-) When you see a dog your whole face lights up, and if you get the opportunity to touch them you can barely contain your excitement. Flies always entertain you when they fly in front of your face, I guess to you it seems like a fun toy.
You are still sleeping great, though eating has become harder for you since you never want to miss anything that may be going on around you. I always have to take you to a separate room if we are around people so that you can focus on eating enough.
Here are some pictures of you: