Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2 Month Photos

You were a little scared of the camera so I couldn't get you to smile, but here are a few 2 month photos:

Mother's Day

For our first Mother's Day we went up to Oconomowoc WI to visit some family.  You finally got to meet your Great Grandma which was pretty exciting.  You also met your cousin Wyatt who is 6 days younger than you, but looks about a month or so older.  He is a lot bigger than you, but you guys had fun laying on a blanket together, relaxing.  Here are some shots from the day:

                                                           Relaxing with your cousins

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2 Months Old!

You are two months old today!  I can't believe you are that old, and at the same time, I can't remember what my life was like before you were born (I wouldn't go back for a second!)  A few new developments have taken place in the past few days:
On Saturday you rolled from your belly to your back for the first time!  You have done this several times since then.  You refuse to show anyone other than me.  Our video camera is coming in the mail today so I am hoping we can get footage of this so that your Dad will believe me :-)
You stay awake a bit longer these days, and are happy and calm while you are awake.  You love to lay on your tummy time mat and practice your rolling, or listen to me sing to you.  You are the only person in the universe who is happy when I sing, and I am sure you will grow out of this some day, so I am enjoying it while it lasts!
You have started "talking".  When people talk to you you smile and coo right along with them.  It is a lot of fun to watch you interact. 
You no longer hate baths or getting your diaper changed.  You lay there calmly, smiling the whole time.
You went to see Dr. Maxouris yesterday.  You are now 10 pounds 11 oz, which means that in the past month you have gained a whopping 2 pounds and 10 oz!  You are a great eater.  You are 22.5 inches long which she says is a good, average height.  You had to get three shots and an oral vaccine, and you did really well.  You didn't cry at all after the first shot.  Once the second went in you seemed to notice that something evil was happening, and then the big cry came with the third one.  You calmed down very quickly and only had a couple hours of fussiness at home.  Dr. Maxouris suggested that we move you into your crib to sleep at night since you have been waking up to be held a lot lately.  We moved you last night, and you slept longer than you ever have before!  Two 4 and a half hour stretches in a row!  You have not let me sleep that well since the beginning of my pregnancy, so thank you!
I am planning to get some new pictures of you today, so I will get those posted tomorrow hopefully!